what is THE Law Career Convention?
KPUM’s Law Career Convention is an annual law fair welcoming law students of all years in bridging the gap between legal education and industry via panel discussions, networking sessions and employment opportunities.
This year the event takes place online for Malaysian students residing in either Malaysia or the UK to connect with the best law firms!
Event Details
Day 1: 25th March 2023 (Saturday), 1600 - 0000 MYT / 0900 - 1700 UKT
This year’s theme: ‘Legal Renaissance’
History has shown that with catastrophe also comes an opportunity for the human race to innovate and improve itself. As such, this year's theme seeks to reflect the unprecedented changes undertaken within the legal industry and how law students can use its adaption and evolution to thrive in the search for their future careers. With this in mind, KPUM has 're-birthed' the LCC UK in full force this 2023!
Event features
Exhibitions and firm presentations
Networking opportunities with partner firms to learn about different firm cultures
Gain valuable skills and learn about Malaysian law through legal workshops and insightful talks
Law students from all years are welcomed to attend this event!
Pupillage application is open to all BPTC & CLP students.
For further inquiries, please email us at or drop us a message on our Instagram page or LCC Facebook page.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through our Facebook messenger, Instagram or email us.